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The Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration - BRAU is an international and interdisciplinary cultural event conceived and promoted by CICOP Italia. Founded by Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou (Honorary President of BRAU), the Biennale di Restauro Architettonico ed Urbano had its project conceived and structured during the nineties, and materialized with its first edition in 2011. It materializes an institutionalized place of permanent verification and comparison that, on an international scale, it dedicates itself to the most varied project experiences in the field of knowledge, enhancement and architectural restoration, as well as the reorganization of the existing city.

The Hypatia International Prize aims to reward the professional work of women and men who, with their commitment in the field of Research, Arts and Professions, have contributed to the progress of scientific knowledge and to the improvement of life.

Click on the links below to view all Biennials  Architectural and Urban Restoration - BRAU is an international and interdisciplinary cultural event conceived and promoted byCICOP Italia.

Click on the links below to find out about BRAZIL's participation in the Architectural and Urban Restoration Biennial - BRAU

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