Maria Rita Silveira by Paula Amoroso
Post-doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - University of São Paulo (FAUUSP) with the Campinas Laboratory project: prospecting in Landscape Archeology and proposing a manual for the conservation of the historic center (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Beatriz Piccolotto Siqueira Good). Participates in LabCidade - Public Space and Right to the City Laboratory (FAUUSP). He currently coordinates the cultural project for the rehabilitation and safeguarding of newsstands within the scope of the “Projeto Urban Requalification of Avenida Campos Sales” (PMC).
General Coordinator in Brazil - FIPA - International Architectural Heritage Forum Brazil / Portugal 2014 until now.President of _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_CICOP.NET / BRAZIL - CICOP.NET Conference "International Center (Florence ,Italy )
President -YπIA (Hypatia International Award) 2023
CICOP.NET Conference "International Centre
EX Coordinator of the Special Committee on Cultural Heritage CPC-CAU/SP (Council of Architecture and Urbanism)
Member - ICOMOS -Conseil International des Monuments et des Sites
Titular Member of the Heritage Council –CONDEPACC - City Hall of Campinas
Former Director of Special Projects at the Urban Planning Secretariat of the Municipality of Campinas between 2008 and 2011
Relevant AWARDS:
1994- UNICAMP Botanical Garden Project – Project to receive funding from the IDB for its execution
2003 - DU PONT Environment and Sustainability Award -Jardim Botânico de Paulínia project presented at the World Congress of UIA -2014 –Durban –South Africa_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
2016 – Urban Rehabilitation Project of Av. Francisco Glicério e Av. Campos Sales –Campinas
2021- BRAU 5 Award – Architectural and Urban Restoration Biennial - CICOP.NET .ITALIA (Florence ,Italy )
Project for the preservation of Italian architecture in Brazil together with teams of curators from the Brazilian states - Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina. Paraná ,Sao Paulo .Espirito Santo ,Minas Gerais.
Lucio Gomes Machado
Possui graduação em Arquitetura pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1969), Mestrado (1881) e Doutorado (1992) em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade de São Paulo ). Atualmente é professor doutor do Departamento de História da Arquitetura e Estética do Projeto da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo. Socio-Diretor de GMAA - Gomes Machado Arquitetos Associados Ltda e Linha d´Água Difusão Cultural Ltda. No Instiuto de Arquitetos do Brasil, foi membro de seu Conselho Nacional, diretor do Departamento de São Paulo, no qual atuou como Vice Presidente. Foi Coordenador Geral e Diretor da seção brasileira do International Working Party For Documentation And Conservation Of Buildings. Foi Conselheiro do CONPRESP e do CONDEPHAAT. Foi Curador da III e da IV Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura de São Paulo. Tem experiência nas áreas de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e de Desenho Industrial, com ênfase em História da Arquitetura e História do Design. Atua profissionalmente nas áreas de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Desenho Industrial, Programação Visual e Construção Civil, além de Editoração e Preservação do Patrimônio Cultural e Arquitetônico.
Beatriz Bueno
Beatriz Piccolotto Siqueira Bueno is graduated in History from University of São Paulo (DH-FFLCH-USP, 1990) and Visual Arts from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP, 1988), as well as Ph.D. in Architecture and Urbanism from University of São Paulo (FAUUSP, 2001). Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo, she has been teaching History of Urbanization and Urbanism since 2002, together with Professor Nestor Goulart Reis Filho, and developing research at the Architecture, Urbanization and Preservation Laboratory (LAP - USP) covering mainly the areas: history of urbanization and urbanism in Brazil; military architecture; military engineers; studies on material culture and cultural landscape; architects’ and engineers’ professional culture; history of cartography and heritage studies. Mainly book published: 1) Desenho e Desígnio: o Brasil dos engenheiros militares (Drawing and intention: Brazil and military engineers, 1500-1822) (EDUSP, 2011). She coordinated 2 dossiers on the history of urbanization in colonial Brazil for Anais do Museu Paulista (v. 20, 2012 and v. 29, 2021), and two further dossiers on cartography together with Iris Kantor (Anais do Museu Paulista, v. 17, n.1, 2009). Awarded CNPQ- PQ2 productivity grant since 2012 by Brazil’s federal government (CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Science and Technology Ministry), she is leader of CNPq Research Group "Landscape Archaeology”. Between 2007 and 2012 she was part of the team of the project Património de Origem Portuguesa no World: architecture and urbanism led by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation under the direction of José Mattoso. She participates also as consultant for the online portal ( Between 2019-2022 she integrated with Alice Santiago Faria and Renata Malcher de Araújo the research project "TechNetEmpire: technical-scientific networks in the formation of the built environment in the Portuguese Empire (1647-1871)" funded by FCT.
Book - BUENO, B. P. S. Desenho e desígnio: o Brasil dos engenheiros militares (1500-1822). São Paulo: EDUSP/FAPESP, 2011. 456p. (Prêmio Jabuti - Indicação). Scholar (164 + 40 + 19)
Kátia Bogéa
President of the Institute of the National Historical and Artistic Patrimony (Iphan), Kátia Bogéa majored in History by the Federal University of Maranhão in 1984 and specialized in Brazilian historiography by the University of São Paulo in 1988.
Kátia Bogéa has been acting exclusively with cultural patrimony since 1979. In 1980, she became an intern at the newly created Iphan’s regional superintendence in Maranhão. From that moment on, she dedicated her professional life to the research and the preservation of the city of Alcântara and of São Luís’ historical center. She held office as Iphan’s superintendent of Maranhão from 2003 to 2015.
Throughout these 12 years of administration, Kátia Bogéa and the institute’s tecnical team articulated the Historical Town’s Program (PAC) together with São Luís’ city hall. Regarding intangible heritage, both Tambor de Crioula and the Cultural Complex of Bumba Meu Boi were registered by the organization. Since June 2016, Kátia Bogéa is the first former superintendent to become president of the Institute in 80 years.
Her job as Iphan’s head coordinator has been successful in strengthening the institutional dialogue, building partnerships around the Brazilian Cultural Heritage Preservation, and in enhancing the Institute’s organizational structure in the context of lacking resources and low personnel.
One of the main achievements of Iphan’s current administration was the public tender that enhanced its mission of preserving and valuing Brazilian Cultural Heritage. The task involved the president’s intense personal efforts with its board and among the country’s National Congress, resulting in 411 newly servants that are already assuming its posts throughout Brazil.
In this period, Iphan has delivered more than 90 restoration and qualification projects concerning Cultural Heritage, promoting communities’ living conditions. The program PAC Historical Towns, built through state and city administrations, summed up almost R$ 500 million in direct inversions on work projects. The acknowledgment of Iphan’s job surpasses the national borders of Brazil. The current administration brought three World Heritage titles to the country, Pampulha Modern Ensemble in Belo Horizonte (MG), Valongo Wharf Archaeological Site in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and the mixed site of Paraty and Ilha Grande (RJ) – Culture and Biodiversity. This year, also the Cultural Complex of the Bumba-Meu-Boi of Maranhão might be inscribed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The Consultive Board of Cultural Heritage has approved 13 new sites and the registry of other nine intangible assets in the same period. In the last three years, there were many advances in cultural policy: the Material Cultural Heritage Policy (2018) updated the operational guidelines for protected sites, also another ordinance was stated for fire prevention on protected sites, starting a new wave of security measures regarding Brazilian Cultural Heritage.
The Goiás Commitment-letter, signed by Iphan and the ministries of Citizenship, Cities and Tourism, seeking to establish the National System of Heritage and to insert a requalification program for towns and sites in the political agenda. In addition, the Parliament Heritage Front was created, bolstering Iphan to a new level of articulation and national acknowledgment.
All these growing paths included 43 new publication titles and the reinvigoration of the acclaimed Heritage Journal, since Iphan’s 80 years anniversary. During Katia Bogéa’s administration, six numbers of 40 already edited by Iphan were published, promoting cultural revive, highlighting that the Cultural Heritage is not restricted to preconceived concepts and forms, being characterized instead by its exceptional diversity.
Renata Sunega
Renata Sunega is a graduate Architect and Urban Planner from PUC-Campinas and has a master degree in Art History from Unicamp (State University of Campinas). Between the years of 2011 and 2012, she held the position of Secretary of Culture of the city of Campinas, which also included the chairmanship of CONDEPACC (Council for the Defense of Cultural Heritage) and the Council of Culture of Campinas. Her publications, on art and architecture, include: “Quarteirão Paulista: A Harmonious Set of Monumental Buildings”; “Meeting of the Arts”; “MACC Life and Work - Historical Background, 1960-1970”, Editorial Coordination of Exhibition Catalogs “Memory and Altar” and “Genesis and Celebration”. Since 2012 holds the position of Project Coordinator in Sunega-Tognon Architecture and Restoration Office, which in 2018 and 2019 included in its portfolio:
- Restoration Project of the external façades of the Mother Church of St. Sebastian in Valinhos - SP;
- Restoration Project of the external façades of the Mother Church in Serra Negra - SP;
- Supervision of restoration works of the Church of Our Lady of Carmo in Mogi-Mirim - SP;
- Technical Report of the Bela Vista Farm - Indaiatuba - SP;
- Technical Report of emergency and preventive actions for conservation of the archaeological ensemble of the Mozambinho Chapel in Jaíba - MG;
- Technical Report of emergency and preventive actions for conservation of the remaining blocks of the Real Iron Factory in Morro do Pilar - MG.